Frostburg State University Transitions to Online Instruction Until Nov. 4

Oct 29, 2020 8:00 PM

It is with an abundance of caution that Frostburg State University has decided to pause in-person instruction effective 8 p.m. today, until at least Wednesday, Nov. 4, due to recent increases of symptomatic cases monitored by Brady Health Center, coupled with community spread in the region and related indicators FSU is monitoring.

Updates will be provided during the interim period, and information regarding classes and services following Nov. 4 will be determined at that point. In addition:

  • Access to Cordts PE Center activity areas will be suspended.
  • Residence halls remain open.
  • Food service will be available.

Additional measures will be shared as information becomes available.

Instructors will provide students with specific information for each class. Faculty have been instructed to be prepared to go online.

Updates will be posted on the COVID-19 Information web site.